Weight (precision 0.5%, range 5-180 Kg)
ATENEA FIT PRO can show you weight in kilograms, pounds or stones.
Fat percentage (precision 0.1%, range 5%-75%)
The percentage of fat indicates the percentage of fat that you have in the body with respect to your total weight. Obesity is determined by fat, not weight. Fat (in small amounts) is not only a source of energy for activities, but also plays an important role in maintaining body temperature, reducing external shocks, moisturising the skin, maintaining a smooth and slim body, and maintaining adequate hormone secretion. Obese people have an excessive amount of fat.
Excess fat is one of the causes of hyperlipidemia, hypertension, diabetes and other life-threatening diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to maintaining an adequate percentage of fat from a young age.
The following values used as reference for our equipment are taken from medical studies carried out by the WHO.
Parameters related to the percentage of fat:
Fat mass (Kg) - Body fat weight.
Lean body weight (Kg) - Body weight after subtracting fat weight.
ATENEA FIT PRO can show you how much fat you have on your torso or on each arm and leg individually.
Water: Moisture percentage (precision 0.1%, range 35%~75%)
Body water is the percentage of total body fluid in the body. Maintaining a healthy ratio of water ensures that the body functions efficiently and reduces the risk of developing related health problems.
Body water refers to blood, lymphatic fluid, extracellular fluid, intracellular fluid, etc., that contain water in the body. Therefore, even if you drink a litre of water before weighing yourself, the percentage of water is very likely not to change.
Muscle: muscle mass (precision 0.1Kg, range 5kg~120kg)
Muscle is a tissue that maintains body temperature, moves it, produces energy and plays a very important role in a person's health. The muscle content in the human body is made up of skeletal muscle (those that we consciously contract, such as the biceps), smooth muscle (of internal organs, such as the intestines), and cardiac muscle (that of the heart).
Related Parameters:
Muscle percentage - the ratio of muscle to total weight.
ATENEA FIT PRO can show you how much muscle you have in your core or in each arm and leg individually.
Bone: Bone mass (precision 0.1kg, range 0.5kg-6kg)
Bone mass indicates the total amount of bone in the body, i.e. the level of bone minerals such as calcium. Bone density can be estimated from the weight of bone minerals.
BMR: Basal Metabolism (precision : standard 500~5000)
This is the energy we use for basic functions (breathing, heartbeat, maintaining body temperature, etc.). That is, the minimum amount of energy needed to survive. Including the consumption of activity of the respiratory system, circulatory system, nervous system, liver and other organs in a calm state of the body and mind.
The more muscle, the higher the metabolic value (depending on the formula, the result may vary).
BMI: Body Mass Index (precision 1, range 10-90)
An index used by international organizations to measure human obesity. BMI does not directly measure body fat content, but studies have shown that it correlates with body fat content (according to standards published by the WHO).
Visceral Fat (precision 1, range 1~50)
The level of visceral fat reflects the degree of accumulation of abdominal visceral fat. Maintaining a standard visceral fat index can greatly reduce the risk of heart disease, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia.
Body age: (precision 1' range 6~99)
Body age is based on the average human basal metabolic reference value, based on age trending from Holtek's own research. Basically, the basal metabolism gradually decreases with age. Those with a lot of muscle mass and a high basal metabolism have a younger body. For example, if the actual age is 40 years old, but the muscle mass and basal metabolism are equal to the same reference metabolism of someone who is 20 years old, we can say that her body age is 20 years old.
Protein: (precision 0.1%, range 2%~30%)
Protein level standards. Lack of protein can cause decreased immunity, muscle weakness and anaemia. Follow a proper diet to maintain an adequate protein level.
Subcutaneous fat (precision 0.1%, 0.1%~60%)
Subcutaneous fat is fat stored between the skin and the muscles.. It acts as a cushion to protect them against external stimuli such as cold and vibrations. If there is too much subcutaneous fat, it will increase the load on the knees and buttocks, which can lead to various diseases.
Women accumulate subcutaneous fat more easily than men and it is more difficult to eliminate. Many women store large amounts of subcutaneous fat to protect the uterus and other organs during pregnancy and childbirth.
Ideal weight (precision of 1 kg)
According to the international formula, the calculation for the ideal weight is as follows:
Men: (Height cm-80)x0.7=Ideal weight
Women: (Height cm-70)x0.6=Ideal weight
Body score (precision of 1, 1-100)
According to the results of various body composition parameters, the human body score is calculated comprehensively. The higher it is, the healthier the body will be.
In very muscular people, the value could exceed 100.
Body type
The body type is categorised based on muscle mass and body fat.
A fat percentage of less than 30% in women and 20% in men is an adequate value.
Skinny - You have very little fat and muscle.
Slim - You have very little muscle and an adequate amount of fat.
Invisible Obesity - Although it may not look like it, you have a lot of fat and little muscle.
Lean - You have very little fat and some muscle.
Defined- You have very little fat and a defined amount of muscle.
Healthy - You have the right amount of fat and muscle.
Muscular - You have very little fat and a lot of muscle.
Overweight - Your physiological parameters are a bit high, check your percentage of fat and muscle and take appropriate measures.
Obese - Your physiological parameters are high, check your percentage of fat and muscle and take appropriate measures.
Table for women