In the main menu, you can find the following detailed features. First, the main ones are shown, which are by default in Favorites with quick access. Then, the secondary ones, accessible from the Functions Menu.
When the watch is synced with an Android or iOS phone through the SPC app, this function allows you to manage phone calls.
The screen has three sections:
- Call Log: List of recent calls. Tapping on one of them dials that number.
- Dial: Numeric keypad that allows you to dial a phone number.
- Contacts: List of contacts synced with the phone. These contacts are added from the SPC app. Tapping on the contact makes a phone call to that number.
When receiving a call, the watch will notify you on screen, sound, and vibration (according to settings), and you can answer from the watch itself.
If you answer or make a call from the watch, you can talk to the other user from the device itself, as it has a microphone and speaker.
During the call, you have buttons to mute or unmute the microphone, switch the call control to the phone, adjust the speaker volume, and hang up the call.
On this screen, the activity for the current day is shown.
Swiping up shows the activity details: total steps, energy consumed, and exercise time. There are also two graphs showing the distribution of steps by day and by hour.
This function allows you to access the voice assistant of the synced phone. This way, for example, you can make voice queries with vocal responses on the watch itself, select a song to play in your car, etc.
This function monitors the hours and quality of sleep, and displays them in a graph.
Swiping up shows more details. The graph shows the time of the different sleep phases: light, deep, and REM.
Note that the data of the last sleep is shown at the end of the current day, when the hours of sleep can be totaled.
You can check your current heart rate and see the graph of historical measurements. For an accurate measurement, the watch must be properly fitted to your wrist.
Monitors your blood oxygen level and shows you the minimum and maximum of the day, with a graph of the last 7 measurements.
Note that you should be immobile and with the watch firmly attached to your wrist during the measurement.
Control the compatible multimedia content that you are playing on your phone. It has four control buttons, from left to right: playback volume level, rewind, play/stop, and forward.
If the watch has obtained the location of your phone, you can check the updated weather forecast for today and the next 6 days. It will also show the sunrise and sunset times.
To get the weather information, you need the phone's location. You can ensure this by opening Google Maps on Android or Maps on IOS, verifying that it matches your current location. Once confirmed, open the SPC app and sync the watch so it gets the necessary information to display the weather screen.
The following functions are accessed from the full function menu, by swiping the screen to the right.
In this function, you can access over 100 available sports.
In the first screen, the most popular sports will appear. You can add more sports to this list by selecting the "+" button at the end, choosing a group of sports, and then selecting the one you want to add.
To start a sport, simply enter the sports list and select the one you want to monitor.
Access the list of completed exercises in chronological order. Tapping on each one takes you to its details (depending on the type of exercise: exercise duration, steps, distance, calories, heart rate, pace...).
You can enable the Female Health option from the SPC app, set the usual period duration, the usual cycle duration, and the start date of the last period.
You can also set the time and days in advance you want the device to notify you that your period is about to start and ovulation begins.
Once configured, you will be able to see the period, fertile window, and ovulation forecast on the watch and in the app.
*Notice* This function is purely informative and should not be used instead of other pregnancy protection methods.
Shows you the messages that arrive on your mobile device, as long as both are linked via the SPC app.
On this screen, a shutter button will appear, which, when pressed, will make the phone's camera take a photo.
Check and activate/deactivate the alarms configured through the SPC app.
Tap the green play button to start/resume, pause button to stop, reset to return to 0 and Lap to set stages.
On this screen, we have 8 spheres with the set countdown time.
Illuminate the screen in white to the maximum for the Flashlight function.
Opens the calculator function.
Dans le menu principal, vous pouvez trouver les fonctions détaillées suivantes. Tout d'abord, les principales, qui sont par défaut dans les Favoris pour un accès rapide. Et ensuite, les secondaires, accessibles depuis le Menu des fonctions.