Link your SPC SMARTEE DUO CLASSIC with the SPC App

SPC SMART YOU and SMARTEE Applications

The SPC SMART YOU (for Android users) and SMARTEE (for iOS users) apps allow you to fully utilize the features of the SMARTEE DUO VIVO watch. These apps enable you to configure the different functions of the watch and access all its daily and historical data, ensuring optimal use.

Depending on your operating system, you may install one or the other. To do this, you can use this QR code which will redirect you to the most suitable version for your watch and operating system:

You can find detailed information about each app in its respective section within this support center. Here, we will only guide you through the first steps to get started.

Log in as an SPC member

Once the app is installed, if you have an SPC account, log in to the app with your usual account, where all your information will be stored. Downloading all the history will take a few minutes, so be patient!

You also have the option to remember your password or recover it via email if you have forgotten it.

If you are new, it is very simple. Register as a new user with your email and password, and fill in your details.


If this is the first time you open this app, you will need to link the SPC SMARTEE DUO CLASSIC. To do this, we will access the connection screen in the "DEVICE" section.

Then we press the "Link" button. A screen will appear giving us the option to choose the desired model. In our case, SPC SMARTEE DUO CLASSIC, and we will click on it.

Once this step is done, it will ask us to accept some permissions. After this, our SPC SMARTEE DUO CLASSIC will be linked.

You can find much more detailed information about the application explaining all its features in its corresponding section within this support center.

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